People come, take some photos, and after a little relaxation, they leave. This is how modern mass tourism can be described. This is not necessarily bad, but we cannot settle for this approach in the Archdiocese of Veszprém. We want more than that. We do not hide the fact, that the activities of the Archiepiscopal Tourist Centre must also be in line with the main goal of the church, the spreading of the Good News.

We subordinate everything to this goal, and all our tourist services can be derived from this purpose. Of course, keeping in mind the primacy of spiritual needs, we strive to provide the highest level of tourism services to tourists, pilgrims, and interested parties alike. In fact, within the territory of the Veszprém Archdiocese, there are numerous opportunities for those seeking relaxation. Just think of the natural beauties of the Balaton Uplands (Balaton-felvidék ) or the architectural masterpieces of the built environment. Among these, the Veszprém Castle stands out, which is undergoing renovation and is expected to be fully completed by 2025, however, visitors can already explore certain areas of the Saint Michael’s Cathedral, the Körmendy House, the Biró-Giczey House, and parts of the Archbishop's Palace.
We warmly welcome tourists to attend masses, hard hat tours, and organ concerts. Visitors can also admire the view of the city of Veszprém from the vicinity of the statues of Saint Stephen and Blessed Gisela, taste the wines of the Veszprém Archdiocese Winery, or enjoy a delicious Italian coffee at Café Gisela (Gizella Kávézó). All this in an environment where Christianity has been present for over a thousand years.
Dr. György Udvardy
Archbishop of Veszprém