House Rules

Dear Visitor,

Please be informed that by entering the exhibition areas and visitable units located within the Veszprém Castle Quarter, you accept the rules outlined in the house rules and acknowledge that you are obliged to adhere to the instructions, possible restrictions, and warnings communicated by the institution's staff and security service.

The exhibition rooms, exhibitions, and events held there may be visited at one's own risk.

Please observe the behavioural rules expected by the maintainer, the Veszprém Archdiocese, during your stay here.

The buildings and statues within the Veszprém Castle Quarter are under monument protection. Therefore, please be mindful of this during your visit and let us collectively protect our treasures!


A Veszprémi Várnegyed területén történő tartózkodás ingyenes Mindenki számára (kivétel fizetős rendezvények esetén). 

A különböző túráinkon, tárlatvezetéseinken való részvétel regisztrációhoz kötött. 

We kindly ask that only those who feel healthy and do not show signs of infectious diseases enter enclosed spaces, thus taking care of each other.


The staff of the buildings have the right to refuse entry to individuals who:

  • are in an alcoholic or dazed state, 
  • attempt to enter in unkempt or incomplete attire (with special attention to visiting sacred spaces: women should have their shoulders covered and wear skirts reaching the knees at least, men should wear tops covering their shoulders and knee-length trousers as minimum attire), or wear clothing depicting symbols of authoritarian regimes,
  • disturb other visitors with their behaviour.

During the visit (both indoors and outdoors), it is prohibited to behave in a manner that endangers the safety of other visitors or event participants, as well as the property, exhibition items, or objects of use, and to behave in a manner that violates public morals.

Please avoid loud, conspicuous speech and mobile phone use during your visit, so as not to disturb other visitors. Additionally, kindly switch off or silence your phone and refrain from using it for conversations in the buildings and exhibition rooms.

Please preserve the integrity of the buildings and statues so that future visitors can also enjoy them. It is prohibited to damage or use them inappropriately.

During individual visits, everyone is obliged to use the exhibited items according to their intended purpose and to comply with the regulations; during guided tours or walks, they must follow the guide's instructions. Otherwise, individual visits may be refused, and further participation in the tour or walk may be denied.

Littering is prohibited! Please dispose of any waste in the designated bins provided.

For events held in buildings maintained by the Veszprém Archdiocese (exhibitions, lectures, commercial events), prior written permission from the maintainer is required.  

Smoking and the use of electronic cigarettes are prohibited in the interior spaces of the buildings. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas.

During visits to the buildings, food and drink consumption is only allowed in designated areas, using products purchased on-site.


Saint Michael's Cathedral is a consecrated liturgical space where tourists are welcome, but in order to maintain the solemnity of the ceremonies, we kindly ask for compliance with the following rules: 

During Holy Mass and other ceremonies, tourist traffic is suspended in the churches. While participating in the ceremony, please observe the relevant etiquette (appropriate attire, silence, respect for the tranquillity of the faithful), but everyone is warmly welcome to attend the Holy Mass.

Men are not allowed to enter Christian liturgical spaces with covered heads, so please remove hats or caps at the entrance! Entry to the church is only permitted in proper and modest attire: no one may stay in the sacred space in transparent, deeply cut, provocative, or indecent clothing.


Opening hours

2025. február 01. – visszavonásig
Monday: closed

Kedd – Péntek: 17:00-19:00

Szombat – Vasárnap: 10:00-18:00 

(During holiday periods, varying opening hours may occur, which will be announced on the homepage of our website.)


A kiállítótereket zárás előtt mindenkinek el kell hagynia.


Guided tours of the buildings can only be conducted by designated individuals. If you require this service, please inquire at the following contact details or register for our tours online: 

Phone: +36/20/560 2010

Building Visit Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

  1. For the WIP'23 tour, participation is only allowed after prior registration, following the briefing on safe conduct, and understanding the safety instructions, solely at your own risk.
  2. The route passes through construction sites. Please proceed with increased caution and follow the instructions of the tour guide!
  3. The recommended attire for the WIP'23 program is outdoor-appropriate, comfortable, sporty, warm clothing, and non-slip footwear, preferably boots. We provide hard hats and high-visibility vests. The use of the individual protective equipment provided during the tour is mandatory!
  4. Visitors are only allowed in the construction area with an escort! After the guided tour, visitors must leave the construction area!
  5. Please only follow the designated route! Entering fenced or closed-off areas is strictly prohibited!
  6. The route may include sections with tripping or slipping hazards. Exercise extra caution in these areas!
  7. Touching electrical equipment, lamps, or wires is strictly PROHIBITED!
  8. Smoking is PROHIBITED in the construction area! Smoking is only allowed outside the construction area, in designated areas!
  9. Az állványon egyszerre maximum 15 fő tartózkodhat! Az állványról kihajolni TILOS!


The number of visitors in the indoor and outdoor areas of each building may be limited based on applicable fire safety and epidemiological regulations. Tickets, wristbands, or other means may be used to control the number of visitors. If the number of visitors exceeds the maximum limit, the attending staff may ask visitors to leave the premises.


Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult when visiting exhibitions or events.

Children under 2 years of age may only be brought into exhibition areas in a pram or a securely fastened carrier.

Pelenkázó helyiség és családi mosdó a Biró-Giczey Házban található.

Szoptatásra kijelölt helyet a megújulás alatt nem tudunk biztosítani.


Selective waste collection is implemented in the buildings, so everyone is obliged to place their waste in the appropriate containers.

The buildings are cleaned regularly, but every visitor is required to maintain cleanliness in the expected manner. It is necessary to observe the unwritten rules of visiting cultural institutions when using communal areas and restrooms.

If a visitor fails to adhere to the basic rules, they may be asked to leave the building.


During group visits, it is the responsibility of the group leader, teacher, or parent to ensure that everyone fully complies with the rules and regulations during the visit. 

Group tours can be arranged by prior appointment.


A várnegyed egyes épületei ideiglenesen akadálymentesen megközelíthetők.

A Biró-Giczey Házban lift működik, mellyel az 1. és 2. emeleti kiállítótér elérhető.


We welcome visits from pets, and to facilitate this, water bowls and waste bags have been provided in the gardennnek érdekében itató edény és gyűjtőzacskó került kihelyezésre a Biró-Giczey Ház udvarán.

If you arrive with an assistance animal or a guide dog, they are welcome to stay with you for the entire duration of your visit in accordance with the law.


A kerékpárral érkező vendégek a Biró-Giczey Ház udvarán helyezhetik el kerékpárjukat.


We do not take responsibility for personal belongings and valuables brought into the buildings or events.

Large items (suitcases, scooters, skateboards) that obstruct movement are not allowed into the buildings. However, we cannot provide storage for these items. 

Entering exhibition areas with wet clothing is prohibited, so please leave wet coats in the lockers regardless of size.

Except for assistance animals and guide dogs, animals are not allowed in areas not designated for them within the buildings. Additionally, bringing in any other items or substances that pose a danger to life, physical integrity, health, or artworks, including fire and explosion hazards, is strictly prohibited on the premises of the Castle Quarter.

Consumption of food and drink is prohibited outside of designated areas.

We cannot take responsibility for lost valuables left on the premises. Found items will be kept for a limited time, 30 days, after which they will be disposed of (removed as waste). We will attempt to contact the owners of found items if they are labelled with a name and contact details, but if there is no response within 30 days, we cannot continue to store them.

We do not take responsibility for items left on the premises of the Castle Quarter during your visit (e.g., mopeds, scooters, balance bikes).


The surveillance of exhibition halls and artworks is conducted by room attendants, supported by a security guard team.

For the safety of the historic building, artworks, visitors, and staff within the Archbishop's Quarter of Veszprém Castle Quarter, a video surveillance and recording system operates in accordance with the applicable data protection laws and the provisions of Act CXXXIII of 2005 on personal and property protection and private investigation activities. Recordings are stored in accordance with our posted and website-available Privacy Policy and as stipulated by the relevant regulations. 

A látogatással az épületek tereibe belépve minden magánszemély hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy biztonsági kamerarendszeren keresztül róla felvétel készüljön és ezen felvételeket, illetve az azon található személyes adatait (képmását) az Érsekség – a biztonsági célok érdekében, az ahhoz szükséges minimális ideig, az adatvédelemre vonatkozó szabályok betartásával – kezelje.

The capacity of the buildings and their rooms is limited, taking into account current fire safety regulations. Therefore, if the number of visitors to individual events reaches the upper limit of capacity, additional guests cannot enter the buildings ("full house"). Limiting attendance is a lawful security measure, and therefore, those unable to enter have no right to claim compensation or make any other demands.

In the event of an emergency (e.g., natural disaster, fire, bomb threat, etc.), the staff of the Archbishopric may prohibit or terminate visits to ensure personal safety.


You can view the detailed Privacy Policy concerning the handling of personal data related to visits on our website, under the relevant menu section.


Creation and Use of Image, Audio, and Video Recordings

Within the territory of Veszprém Castle Quarter, as well as during public events organized by the Archbishopric, image, audio, and video recordings may be made, in which any visitor may appear. The detailed Privacy Policy regarding the handling of personal data associated with image, audio, and video recordings can be found on our website, under the corresponding menu section.

Photography and video recording by visitors for personal use are permitted.

Photography and video recording within visitor areas are only permitted in a manner that does not disturb other visitors, and concerning artworks and installations displayed in exhibition spaces, only in cases that qualify as fair use from a copyright perspective. The use of flash, tripods, or selfie sticks in exhibition areas is prohibited. Any recordings made by visitors may only be used for personal purposes; commercial or other profit-making use requires prior written permission from the Archbishopric ( 

Any use of photographs and video recordings contrary to this, such as publication or commercial distribution, is not permitted.


A Biró-Giczey Házban elsősegélynyújtó hely került kialakításra. Amennyiben egy látogató testi épsége sérül, vagy rosszul lesz, kérjük, azt azonnal jelezze az Érsekség egy munkatársa felé, aki szükség esetén az érintett személyt az elsősegélynyújtó helyre kíséri, ahol kisebb sérülés ellátására egészségügyi doboz áll rendelkezésre.

In the event of an accident during the visit, we will prepare a report, and the institution will promptly inform the National Ambulance Service (Országos Mentőszolgálat).


Smoking is prohibited throughout the entire premises.

Smoking is only permitted outside the buildings in designated areas. The provisions of Act XLII of 1999 on the protection of non-smokers and certain regulations on the consumption and distribution of tobacco products apply to the entire premises.


In the event of an emergency (e.g., natural disaster, fire, bomb threat, etc.), visitors are required to follow the instructions of the building staff and behave in accordance with the evacuation plan's provisions.


Any visitor who violates these House Rules may be warned and subsequently banned from the premises for a specified period or permanently. Attendance at events may be prohibited, and administrative proceedings may be initiated against the individual. The person responsible for violating the House Rules (or the individual responsible for the violator) is liable for any damages resulting from the breach. If the violation of the House Rules also constitutes a breach of the law, the person who violated the House Rules (or the individual responsible for the violator) bears legal responsibility and may be subject to legal sanctions.

A visitor who violates the House Rules must leave the premises immediately upon the request of the relevant staff member or security guard. Failure to comply allows the security guard to take measures as defined by Act CXXXIII of 2005 on personal and property protection and private investigation activities and to escort the visitor out of the building.

We wish you a pleasant visit and thank you for your cooperation in observing the rules!

Veszprém, 11th May 2023.
