Vissza a főoldalra

Gizella Wine Dinner - a tradition in every flavour

In the thousand-year-old courtyard of Queen Gizella, the mysterious world of flavours of the past is revealed - although we do not have the exact recipes, the wine dinner of the Archbishop of Veszprém Winery and Hotel Gizella brings the experience of the glory of feasts. At that time, the classic fork as we know it today was not yet used, and the soup did not resemble the form we are used to today, this event is an opportunity to celebrate the traditions of Hungarian gastronomy in the spirit of the once famous court feasts.

In medieval Hungary, the main meal was served at 11 o'clock in the morning, and the soup was never missed, made from the cooking juices of the meat, thickened with toasted breadcrumbs and enriched with spices such as pepper and ginger. After the thick, succulent soup came the meats and sauces - or 'sakes' as they were then called. These were thickened with breadcrumbs and made delicious with special spices such as the precious saffron. At the tables of rich houses, the golden colour of the saffron signalled to the guest that he was in a special place - a home of luxury and refinement.

The master chefs of the Middle Ages not only prepared simple dishes, but also works of art, such as the gilded peacock, coated in golden smoke. Such specialities were believed to have healing powers as well as beauty - for what is expensive is surely also useful. In those days, gold dust was even used in medicines, as the more expensive the ingredient, the more potent it was considered to be.

Meats were an integral part of Hungarian cuisine and from the 14th century onwards they became increasingly important due to the changing climate, which brought with it a decline in crop production. With the rise of livestock farming, excessive meat consumption led to gout - a widespread disease that even the royal feasts of the time could not avoid. Meat was often cooked with wine and sauces were made from vegetables or fruit such as peas, lentils, cherries or plums, and generously drizzled with wine to intensify the flavours.

Gizella királyné, Szent István király hitvese, a magyar keresztény királyság első koronás uralkodónője volt, aki jelentős szerepet játszott a nyugati kultúra és vallás terjesztésében. A legenda szerint a Kárpát-medence egyik legrégebbi szőlőtermelő vidéke épp az ő nevéhez fűződik: 1038-ban férjével együtt nyolc szőlőst adományozott a veszprémi apátságnak. Nem csoda, hogy a bor azóta is a magyar konyha meghatározó eleme. István király fiához, Imréhez írt intelmeiben is kiemelte a bor fontosságát, amely – ha mértékkel fogyasztották – az ember értelmét élesítette, és felkészítette a tanulásra.

The Gizella Wine Dinner is not only an unforgettable experience for lovers of Hungarian wines and gastronomy, but also a tribute to the historical past. Although the menu does not evoke the world of medieval feasts, but represents the contemporary Hungarian cuisine of the 21st century, the harmony of flavours and wines still retains the heritage of the past. Through the award-winning wines of the Archbishop of Veszprém Winery and the carefully crafted dishes, the evening will be a timeless journey for guests, who will experience both modern and traditional.

Reservations and information:  +3688579490
